
Venim cu un concept inovator pe piata de autoutilitare pick-up in special, dar si pe cea de off-road si vehicule 4X4, noutatea constand in faptul ca pe langa posibilitatea de a achizitiona accesorii pentru masina dumneavoastra, site-ul pickupstore.ro va sta la dispozitie si pentru vanzarea sau cumpararea unui autovehicul.


Noi, cei de la Ameco, consideram ca incalzirea locuintei dumneavoastra nu trebuie sa reprezinte un lux, insa in vremurile noastre, aceasta necesitate a devenit scumpa si dificila. Crezul afacerii noastre are drept fundament posibilitatea de a reduce costurile intr-un mod eficient si ecologic oferind clientilor confort si calitate.


Cel mai mare showroom Bauer din Europa de Est se găsește în județul Harghita, în localitatea Gheorgheni.


Dekoratex products are characterised by the multitude of models and colors, in classic, modern and elegant style, having in our portfolio over 1,500 different fabrics, using cotton, linen, hemp, polyester, acrylic, acrylic chenille. Our company tends to follow the market and trends in domain. Both the production and creation activity is put into practice with the help of computer technologies.


The Lukács family founded the classic furniture workshop in 1941. The three-generation classic furniture workshop has changed totally according to the requirements of the modern market. Keeping its type of manufacture – with just a few employees, but with a high-tech background – it has specialized mainly for private orders.


The main goals of the Nexus Foundation:

Enforcement, development, financial and ethical support of the popular, - cultural- and folkways. Our foundation operates dance groups in Csíkszentdomokos (Zivatar and two more elementary dance groups) as well as in Balánbánya (Ördögborda Folk Dance Band, Prücskök folk dance group) and in Csíkszenttamás–here are also two dance groups which are supported by us. The Nexus Foundation is the maintainer and operator of the Ördögborda Folk Dance Band. 


The Kis Cohard lodges are located in Red Lake, in a beautiful, friendly environment, near the main road. The yard provides free private parking, grill area, children playground and a fully equipped kitchen.


Pro Business Insurance - Broker de Asigurare cu o vechime de aproape 10 ani pe piata asigurarilor va ofera cele mai potrivite asigurari personalizate


BIKKLA is the easiest and happiest way to explore the Red Lake (Lacu Roșu). With the BIKKLA – Fat Electric Bike you can explore and see more in a short time. We created BIKKLA to help you on your tour, the powerful electric motor and the high capacity battery gives you almost super-powers, this way you don’t get tired and you can enjoy the view and the adventure.


Discover and ramble over the scenic Secklerland!

Well-trained, dynamic, yet perfectly reliable horses will take you on riding tours to the sights of the Eastern Carpathians.

We will escort you if you want to test your strength and endurance on the trails at Red Lake, the Bicaz Gorges, or Lonely Peak.


Cégünk autómentéssel és autószállítással foglalkozik Magyarországon és külföldön egyaránt. A nap 24 órájában hívhat minket. Rövid határidővel képesek vagyunk teljesíteni a megbízásokat. Bagi székhellyel működünk, így 100 km-s körzetben egy órán belül vállaljuk a kiszállást. ​​​​​


The bakery is equipped with state of the art production line which has been a big help to the employees. However, our main point of view is to put into practice the traditional methods, namely the essential two-handed work. 


Având activitatea principală de "Operatiuni de mecanică generală", firma noastră vă oferă diverse servicii de prelucrări mecanice, debitare laser si diferite procedee de acoperiri metalice.


We invite You to have a look at our varied offer of natural paving stones, and discover their uniqueness, multicoloured beauty and richness.

Asociația Perspective pentru Copiii Hipoacuzici din România a fost înființată în 2015 și are sediul în Brașov. Asociaţia își propune să lupte pentru susţinerea copiilor şi tinerilor hipoacuzici şi surzi din România şi străinătate, pentru a avea o viaţă independentă şi autodeterminată, sensibilizarea societăţii, conştientizarea şi informarea populaţiei cu privire la persoanele cu dizabilităţi.

Bagossy Brothers Company is a Hungarian pop-rock band, founded in 2013.


Zona G10 este o zonă rurală tradițională care se află în centrul țării, la marginea de est a Transilvaniei, la îmbrățișarea Carpaților Orientali, și este compusă din nouă comune și un oraș, respectiv:  Ciumani, Corbu, Ditrău, Joseni, Lăzarea, Remetea, Suseni, Tulgheş, Voşlobeni și Orașul Borsec.


A Városi Sport Klub Gyergyó - VSK Gyergyó, Gyergyószentmiklós Megyei Jogú Város Önkormányzatának alintézményeként működik, melyet 2015. január 12-én hoztak létre, különböző sportágak szervezésére és fejlesztésére, amelynek célja a hazai és nemzetközi sportversenyek teljesítményeinek támogatása és népszerűsítése.